JAKARTA – AI chatbots are getting more and more popular. In fact, many companies lock their best features behind subscription walls. However, some companies allow users for free to do more things than others. Therefore, if you want to try GPT-4 Turbo, using Microsoft Copilot tools is the best way to do it.
What Is GPT-4 Turbo?
GPT-4 Turbo is one of the more sophisticated AI models at the time of writing this article. Designed by OpenAI, the startup created the very popular ChatGPT service.
To give an overview of the GPT-4 Turbo; when the ChatGPT went viral, it used the 3.5 model. After that, OpenAI released the GPT-4 model, which was able to handle questions better and sounded more humane. Finally, they accelerated the processing of the model and emerged the GPT-4 Turbo.
Currently, the best way to use the Grand Prix-4 Turbo for free is through Microsoft Copilot. It may look strange that you have to go through Microsoft rather than OpenAI, but both companies have very close relationships. Therefore, it’s no surprise to see OpenAI features appearing in Microsoft’s AI assistant.
How To Freely Use GPT-4 Turbo With Microsoft Copilot
To start with GPT-4 Turbo, just open Copilot and start talking to the chatbot. Currently, Copilot will use the GPT-4 Turbo by default when talking to users on a free tier. Paid users can return to the previous model if they wish, but you don’t have to worry about that if you just want to use the latest and best model.
How To Use GPT-4 Turbo For Free In Windows 10 And 11
If you are a Windows 10 or 11 user, there is a good chance you have the Copilot button in your taskbar. To start with GPT-4 Turbo, just click this button and start talking to chatbots when it appears.
If you want to open Copilot faster, you can do it by pressing Win + C. Or, if you’re lucky to have a laptop with a pilot button dedicated, just press it to open the assistant at any time.
How To Use GPT-4 Turbo For Free On Other Devices
If you don’t have a Copilot button or use a different operating system, you can still use the Copilot website. Go to the site, start talking, and it will automatically use the GPT-4 Turbo to process your prompt.
If you are using a mobile device, you can download the Copilot app for Android or iOS. This app has a switch when you open it that powers or disables the GPT-4. Maybe not the Turbo version, but it should be strong enough to handle your questions.
How To Get The Best From GPT-4 Turbo
The GPT-4 Turbo is very strong, but only as good as the information you give him. Here are some tips to get the best from the GPT-4 Turbo and Copilot:
Always remember that Copilot is currently not processing locally queries; all of them are sent back to Microsoft servers so they can generate your answers. Be careful and avoid letting Copilot know personal things or something that can identify you.
If you want to learn more about Copilot and the more sophisticated things you can do with it, see what Microsoft Copilot is and how to use it. And if you need help creating a prompt, try this Chrome extension that makes it easier.
GPT-4 Turbo is a very powerful tool, and fortunately, you don’t have to pay a penny to use it. Now you know how to use popular chatbot models for free, whether you’re using a Windows PC or not.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language.
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